For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever  believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
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Pastor Ballard
Pastor Laird Ballard

Originally from Rochester, NY, Pastor Ballard attended the State University College of New York at Geneseo, from 1969-1971. He moved with his family to Massachusetts in the latter part of 1971 at the age of twenty. Having settled on the North shore he began working in Boston for Arthur Murray’s Dance Studios. His study of dance, coaching, teaching, performing, and competing in the field continued for the next twenty years. As an avid reader Laird also had a hunger for learning and educating himself on many subjects. He especially had a love for theology and religious studies. He met his wife Geri in 1979, while living in Middleboro, MA. They were married in 1983 and have two wonderful boys and two fabulous grandchildren.

After giving up his dancing career and moving to Pawtucket, RI, Laird began searching to find his place in this world. In 1994 God moved in his life, impacting him to start attending church. Growing up he had attended Methodist and Congregational churches, but this time due to a friend mysteriously showing up on their doorstep one day inviting them to church, Laird and his wife started attending a Baptist Church in Rumford, RI. It was there at Colonial Baptist Church that he and his wife accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. As both became more involved in church life, his hunger for knowing God increased, as he jumped wholeheartedly into the beliefs and structures of the fundamental Christian community.

Feeling a calling from the Lord, Laird decided to attend Baptist Bible College East in Boston, MA and continue his education in biblical studies. Moving back to Middleboro, MA in 1998, he then graduated from BBCE in 2000, earning a Diploma in Theology. In 2001 he was ordained into the ministry, and with his wife Geri planted New Life Baptist Church in Middleboro, MA where they now live and actively serve. He returned to school once again, graduating 1n 2006 from Boston Baptist College, where, as dual valedictorian, he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies. Once more continuing on with his education he graduated in 2011from Liberty Theological Seminary, with a Master of Arts in Religion, Summa Cum Laude.

Now at the age of sixty-one, Laird has spent the last twenty years endeavoring to place his beliefs side by side with those, not only of other religions, but also with those of other denominations within the Christian household of faith. He has listened to and read through material in all areas of man’s beliefs; from science, philosophy, and psychology to Eastern and North American native religions. He has read with intrigue the supposed evidences given by hard gripping atheists, who seek to destroy man’s faith in all but himself. The conclusions drawn ate what is found in The God’s Honest Truth.