For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever  believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
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After more than a decade of relocations, New Life Baptist Church has currently found a new home at 23 Wareham Street, in Middleboro, MA. Located near the center of the downtown area, it is in ideal walking distance for many who live in or around the bustling business district. With adequate seating for fifty in weekly attendance, services are held every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM; followed by a time of fellowship and further spiritual renewal.

Entrance to the facility can be most easily accessed on the Lincoln Street side, where newcomers and frequent visitors alike, will always receive a warm and friendly greeting. There is a small amount of parking in the front of the building, but visitors can also use the parking lot at Mac’s Music (graciously offered by Mitch Mackiewicz, the store’s owner). That’s Sunday’s only please.

If you have never heard the truth of God’s Word and would like to know more about it, come join us in fellowship, song, and praise of He who created all things. Reflect upon the Scripture’s timeless truths and prepare yourself for the world to come.