For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever  believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
  About Us Media Center Ministries New Life Baptist Church

Martha Gushee Indian Bible College Flagstaff AZ

Martha Gushee- Northern Arizonia, U.S.A.
Born into a Christian home in Blue Hill, Maine. Martha has been in the missions field of the Western US since 1980. From 1982-1992 she worked at Broken Arrow Bible Ranch, in New Mexico, during the summer and assisted with the ministries of a local Navajo church during the remainder of the year. At the camp she had oversight of the horse program and supervised the high school age staff in keeping the facilities clean.

Scott and Suz Downing Chad

Scott and Suz Downing - N'Djamena, Chad Africa
Scott and Suz entered Chad in 2003 amidst a rebel uprising. At the time they had only two children and as you can see, have increased in number. Three other members of their original mission team have already died attempting to complete God’s plan for these native people. The Downings feel that their efforts to start an indigenous Christ centered church to the area will take 27 years; a commitment that they feel blessed to make.

Josiah, Dino, Nanette, Caleb Butler - NAIM

Dino and Nanette Butler - Navajo Nation
Dino and Nanette Butler are missionaries to the Navajo Nation.  As Native Americans, themselves, they have a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between the Navajo culture (which for the most part still sees Christianity as a white-man’s religion) and the truth of the Gospel.  They have been inn the field now for twelve years.  

Lighthouse Childrens Homes

Larry Neff was orphaned at the age of three and placed in an orphanage home in Franklin, Indiana. At the age of 17, he left the orphanage to make his own way. After serving in the army, Larry married his high school sweetheart, Paula Dillman. They have two daughters, Casey and Patricia. In 1969, Larry and Paula attended a revival meeting at First Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church of Franklin, Indiana. They were saved on the closing day of the meeting, May 16, 1969.

From that day, it was Larry’s desire to have a Christian children’s home. After graduating from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, in May 1973, Larry founded an independent Baptist Church in the metropolitan area of Boston. He pastored there for almost five years. In 1977, he entered full-time evangelism as a chalk artist/ preacher and began to look for property for the children’s home. In September 1978, the Lighthouse Children’s Home became a reality as the doors were opened and the first little girl entered the home.

There are now four Lighthouse Children’s Homes in Costa Rica, India, Mexico and Panama. You can learn more about these Homes by clicking on “Locations” in the menu above.